
Coronavirus and Soccer

Published Sun 15 Mar 2020

Good morning everyone


We will be discussing the upcoming year and what our options are for the 2020 season.


We will let you know after the Monday night meeting what our decision is.


In the meantime, it may be best to:


  • NOT share drink bottles - if your Club uses "team" bottles, please ask players to bring their own, personal bottles Minimise friendly games unless essential
  • Please do not shake hands before or after a game - we know this may seem disrespectful, but could be potentially life saving


If you are aware a player from your Club has been at a school closed due to the virus, please inform us.


If you have any questions, the AIS has an excellent site answering all questions regarding best practice during this time:


We will certainly abide by all Government mandates, and please consider if your Club will have over 500 people after Monday at any particular time. It may be that your particular team might not attract 500 supporters, but if there are Amateur games following on, plus a Girl's game or even a social club, there may eventually be too many people.


We will update you after tomorrow night's meeting.


Kind regards

Jo French

General Secretary | EDJSA


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